EGONAUTICS: Exploring the Ego

Schreibwerkstatt - Creative Writing
WS 2023/24


Startdatum: 11.12.2023
Enddatum: 15.12.2023
Montag: 10:00 - 17:00
Dienstag: 10:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch: 10:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag: 10:00 - 17:00
Freitag: 10:00 - 17:00


Dr. Prof. Lucian Georgescu

Verantwortliche*r Professor*in

Prof. Sung-Hyung Cho


Atelier Prof. Cho
Mainzerstrasse 52, Hinterhof ganz hinten rechts 2. Etage

Maximale Anzahl Teilnehmer*innen



Anmeldeinformationen sind zur Zeit nicht einsehbar.


Theorie Seminar – Vorlesung – 8 ECTS Theorie Seminar – Vorlesung – 4 ECTS Workshop-Woche – Atelierprojekt kurz Workshop-Woche – Fachpraxis




Vorlage und Präsentation von Arbeitsergebnissen, Anwesenheitspflicht


Introduction to Creative Writing, facilitating through various class writing techniques the discovery of one’s thème d’auteur.

A five days Creative Writing Foundation workshop. The daily program is mixing a 1-2 hrs long lecture with the 2-4 hours group(s) classwork and the individual presentations of its outcome, by public reading, followed by general and tutorial feedback.

Ideally, the working group shouldn’t be larger than 12 students and doesn’t require special preliminary knowledge, expertise, or writing practice. The participant profile can be from the field of fine arts, communication design, product design, media art & design, and art education - but also from technical or theoretical fields. Yet the end result is or is supposed to be a narrative product, or an object narratively described.

The general aim is to inspire students to create, while the specific one is to make them aware of their artistic theme and express it in a narrative concept or at least to help them make the first steps on the road towards this discovery. The workshop will give them some „fuel” for this long, but fundamental journey.

The Workshop instructor will be deciding on a list of possible Creative Writing techniques and exercises after assessing the profile of the participants. He will be using – but will not be limited to - techniques such as:
- Autofiction
- Writing under pressure
- Subconscient flux writing / DaDa
- Writing without outlines
- Daily 5 minutes of writing gym exercises
- The Here and the Now vs the Memory
- Board game writing techniques
- The „wire”: from abstract to concrete / a.s.o.

- What is Creative Writing? – definition and overview
- „How not to scare a Muse...” (Bradbury)
- Exploring the Ego: „Autofiction” as a main Creative Writing technique for finding the inner voice
- Theme definition and classification: Personal, Generational, National, Karmic theme (...) a.s.o.
- Story development and presentation formats: log lines, tag lines, slogans, synopsis, expose, treatment

1. TEXT Any format accepted, yet the standard deliverable should be a narrative „one-pager” (American synopsis)
2. (VIDEO) PITCH – A 3 min pre-recorded concept/theme oral presentation. Any other visual support (photo, film, print is allowed, as well as a 2D or 3D object) is accepted.
3. EDIT – of the collective work (video edit post workshop)

The Lecturer
Dr. Lucian Georgescu is a Professor (Ph.D.) in Screenwriting at Universitatea Teatrala si Cinematografica (UNATC) in Bucharest and coordinator of the Screenwriting curriculum of the Romanian National Film School. Writer, journalist, screenwriter, and film director/producer, he is teaching fiction writing since the mid-90s. He is a member of the European Association of Creative Writing Programs (EACWP), National Association of Writers in Education – UK (NAWE), the FIPRESCI (Fédération Internationale de la Presse Cinématographique), Screenwriters Research Network and Creative Commons. He had been teaching and conferencing in Romania, the UK, the US, Italy, and Germany. He has been a visiting lecturer at the Scuola Holden in Turin (founded by the Italian novelist Alessandro Barrico) and was a tutor for various international writing and film workshops such as Film Garage or Making Waves – both EU-financed programs. He has been published academically with Francis and Taylor, the Edinburgh University Press, and he is a guest editor of Intellect, for the 2024 Special Edition of the Journal of Digital Media and Policy.

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